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Phần Mềm CNTT/Dịch vụ Phần mềm
Vốn: 100% vốn Nhật Bản Ngày thành lập: 07/11/2014 Lĩnh vực hoạt động: Thiết kế website, phần mềm và các dịch vụ liên quan đến cơ sở dữ liệu. We aim to be a best UI/UX company in Vietnam Our mission is resolving the problems by UI/UX. We believe we can make someone/something happy, beautiful, useful, and many things by it. The UI/UX is not only design but also technology and idea. We can produce good UI/UX by mixing these elements. So, we always discuss with designer, front-end engineer, back-end engineer and app engineer. We always compare together to make something good and new. We hope you to join our team as one of the professional front-end engineer with your high experience and knowledge. ***Capital: 100% Japanese owned Established Date: 07 Nov. 2014 Business Field: Web Design, Software & Database Relating Service, Mobile Application.
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